Our Story
About Andrea & Sara
Y Pelican was initially set up by Andrea and Mari, who were two neighbours brought together by an interest in healthy eating and became friends over recipes. When Andrea became interested in providing her daughters with a Welsh-language education, she discussed options with Mari, as a Welsh speaker.
Andrea was keen to set up a sustainable, organic nursery, Mari was keen to open a Welsh medium nursery, the two decided to join forces.
Andrea feels strongly about setting good eating habits early and not introducing young children to processed food and the addictive qualities of sugar.
In 2018 Mari decided to move on and her half of the nursery was passed on to Sara, our passionate manager who has been a part of Y Pelican from the beginning. A native West-Walian, Sara came to Cardiff to become a primary school teacher but having spent time in a nursery, she felt this was where she belonged. Now she is just as passionate about little ones and sees them all as her extended family and hopes to be part of the exciting nursery for years to come with Andrea.
Our mission is to give each child the gift of Welsh language, a wholesome, organic diet in a nursery with a nurturing, sustainable environment where each baby and child is respected for their individuality.
“We want to return to our grandparents’ generation of eating local, organic and seasonal food, applying old fashioned values to food as it is the fuel that shapes the next generation.”
— Andrea Bird, Founder of Pelican